Muhammad Nur Risky Taufik


Mrs. Salasiah, S.Sos, M.Si. as the first supervisor who has provided guidance and direction in writing this thesis. Thank you to Mrs. Jamiah, S.Sos, M.Si. as the second mentor who has provided her advice and direction during the writing of the thesis.

The objectives of this study are as follows. To find out how the Role of the Village Head in Increasing the Work Effectiveness of Employees at the Pelita Village Office, Samarinda Ilir District, Samarinda City.

"The quantity of employees working in the village office lamp is good, because it can be seen from the results of work of employees. With the high quantity of work they have, it can be seen from the level of education they have and understanding in carrying out their respective duties. In order for the quantity of employee work to be even better, I always provide good and correct direction to employees "(interview 12, September 2019).

"The quality of work of the employees in Pelita Village has been carried out well and in order to continue to ensure the quality of work of employees so that every civil servant always strives to improve the quality of work according to their duties and dedication to the office where they work" (interview 12, September 2019).

Basically the human resources possessed by employees are good and work according to their abilities and their placement is in accordance with the position and task so that the desired work results have been achieved properly "(interview 12, September 2019)


Work Effectiveness

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