Sarnita Miraldi


Sarnita Miraldi, 2019 Work Ability of Village Officials in Providing Administrative Services to the Community (A Study at the Office of the Village of Tani Harapan in Loa Janan Subdistrict, Kutai Kartanegara Regency) was guided by Drs. H. Maskan AF, M.Sc. as mentor I and Drs. Ghufron, M.Sc. as mentor II


This study uses a qualitative descriptive method because it will provide an overview of the problem through analysis using a scientific approach in accordance with the actual situation with the aim of knowing how the Tani Harapan village officials work ability in providing administrative services to the community and knowing what obstacles in the administrative service process to the community. Subjects who became informants in this study were Village Heads, Village Devices, Hamlet Heads, and Community Leaders, Collecting data in this study by using questionnaires to find initial information about the work ability of Tani Harapan village officials and conducting interviews to obtain in-depth information regarding the results the next questionnaire was concluded by linking the results of the questionnaire and the results of interviews and observations

Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be seen that the performance capabilities of Tani village officials' expectations measured from 5 principles of good service were 73% of Tani Harapan village officials carrying out the principle of simplicity, 76% implementing the principle of openness, 93% implementing the principle of hospitality while the principle of efficiency only 27% and the principle of timeliness is only 26%. Then based on the results of observations in the field, the authors found that there were some things that had not been implemented properly such as the presence of employees who were unable to use computer equipment and lack of knowledge of employees on the types of administrative services that the community could ask for and constraints faced in programs and activities. public services, especially those relating to human resources, besides that there are also technical constraints which are related to the number of tasks and work, especially those related to sub-district and district governments. While the constraints of the community concern the urgency of public service needs, as well as the influence of insights into the knowledge and environment of the community


Village Apparatus, Administrative Services

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