Farahwati Farahwati


The Main Role Of The Proofment In The Process Of Examination
In The Crime Count. The legal material of proofment is at the tool of
proofment which content of value and being considered by the corect
judge in the frame of charming the conviction to the only aim to make
punishment (vonis) of criminal core. In the judge court concerned is an
action to state of the event through the facts of the material provement
suggested. The facts found concerned are arranged to be a criminal
material which happed really (materiele waarheid) are will be depended
on the accuracy of the facts got and the material proofment.
The writing of the law science in order to know the role of the
proofment and the consideration of the judge in … decide the sentence the
correct of crime. The kind of the method is the juridicial normative and the
following is the analysis in the descriptive kualitatif. The results or
conviction has the important role in finishing the condernation which is to
be proved of material manly the real right based on the crime action
happened. The judge may not make decision criminal sentence to someone
but if in the minimum to legal proofment tools. The gets the conviction that
the criminal action has really been happened and the defendant is wrong
to do based in the article 183 of the criminal book of crime.

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