Landslide meant as the movement of a slope soil mass downward due to the slope stability disruption. Besides from its geometric, the quantity of soil which moved depend on its weight and shear strength. The shear strength does not remain constant, it can be decreased due to increasing of the water content inside the soil itself, and also from another disruption. The disruption toward the slope stability can be caused by the nature and also by human activity itself. On the first place is caused by natural disaster such as earthquakes or by prolonged heavy-rain. The second place because of overloading such as uncontrolled excavation, imperfect drainage construction and deforestation. The landslides preservation area of Politeknik Negeri Samarinda is one of the 2 areas which has wave topography. The wave meant as natural landscape that consist of hills and valleys, therefore it effected a few segments must be on the slope. The presence of natural factors, specifically because of rain and water ground flow caused the slope loses its stability or strength on retaining the friction so the landslides happened. Automatically, the road area of Politeknik Negeri Samarinda will be run into disruption and it effected on its functional level service. In order to provide the public facilitates functionate optimally, it is necessary to carry on the landslides maintenance towards the slides one of the way by establishing the retaining land construction to avoid the land segment moving or shifting. Based on the calculation result, it can be concluded that the calculation iron anchor dimension determined the range/setting of anchor that can be worked optimally on retaining the lateral compression at the range of each anchor about 2 m has been able to withstand the compression so that there is no fracture on the sheet pile.
landslides, retaining wall, stability
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