Pengaruh Saluran Distribusi Terhadap Volume Penjualan Semen pada PT.Semen Tonasa ( Persero ) Pemasaran Wilayah II di Samarinda
The aim of this research is to know how far is thw influence of channel
of distribution applied by PT. Semen Tonasa in Samarinda marketing
bureau towards the producer, agents, retail and consument. The one
which inluences them is the quantity of the distribution cannels used by
the company to market the production. In the analysis by using simple
liniar regression got the : Y = - 948.943,712 + 75.155,228 X, it means
that every addition of the distribution channel it is hoped the volume of
the sale will cover the substraction = 873.789,484 ton. Then to know
how the closed relation between distribution cannels used and the effect
of the sale volume (r) the result is 0,896. So r is the same or smaller
than 1, it means that those are correlated. All are determined by the
quantity of the them.The other proofs are being counted by the volume
of both factors.
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