Salasiah dan Hasbiah


This research is based on community participation in participation in
developing their village, both in mind participation, participation of
personnel, participation of expertise, participation of goods and money
The purpose of this study is to find out how the community
participation in the implementation of regional development in the village of
North Sangatta Kecamatan Sangatta North East Kutai Regency. Type of
research or explanation used is descriptive qualitative used to describe
research variables. Types of data used, observation interviews, and
With the implementation of research in North Sangatta village,
Kecamatan Sangatta Utara, East Kutai Regency is expected to give an idea
how community participation in the implementation of regional development
so that the concept of participatory development that has been applied can be
measured and can be used as a reference in subsequent research related to the
substance of the discussion.
From the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be
illustrated that the application of participatory development in the village of
North Sangatta if referring to the musrenbang results that have been recorded
in BAPPEDA of East Kutai Regency, the result obtained is that although in the
planning phase the community still participates, but at the stage of
implementation of community participation which is expected to exist, was not
found at all, because at the stage of project implementation carried out by the
winning contractor. However, if we refer to the development project
implemented by the empowerment program running in the village of Sangata
Utara, mainly funded from the village allocation fund, the research found that the enthusiasm of the community to participate in every stage of development
carried out from the planning, implementation, until the project evaluation
phase is very high. This can be concluded in the implementation stage there
are still many things that must be addressed


Community, Participation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31293/ddk.v20i2.4444


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