The objectives of the experiment was determine the suitable concentration of Rootone F and response of cuttings material origin of Red Betel, as well as the interaction between them. The experiment was carried out for three months from April to July 2012. It was conducted at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mulawarman Samarinda. The method used a factorial Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with five replications. The first factor was the concentration of Rootone F, consists of four levels, namely: k0 (0 mg L-1 water), k1 (0.50 mg L-1 water), k2 (1.00 mg L-1 water), k3 (1.50 mg L-1 water). The second factor was the origin of cutting material of Red Betel, consists of two levels, namely: s1 (the base of the runner) and s2 (the center of the runner). The data was analysed using analysis of variance, and comparison the average of each treatment will be compared used the Least Significant Difference Test (LSD Test). Resulst of the experiment showed that: (1) there were interaction at k1 level and s1 level for parameter of shoot length at 30 days after planting (DAP), 60 DAP, 90 DAP, leaf number at 60 DAP, 90 DAP, root length in the first node after receiving treatment, the number of root in the first node after receiving treatment, and the number of root in the second node after planting; (2) the Rootone F concentration treatment influenced significantly on all parameters except the parameter of emerging shoots, leaves number at 30 DAP, 90 DAP, and root length at the second node after receiving treatment; (3) The origin cutting of Red Betel influenced significantly on the number of roots at the second node after receiving treatment. The S1 (the base of the runner) treatment gave the best result for parameters: emerging shoots, shoot length at 30 DAP, 60 DAP, 90 DAP, number of leaves at 30 DAP, 60 DAP, 90 DAP, root length at the first node after receiving treatment, root length at the second node before getting treatment, roots length at the second node after receiving treatment, number of roots at the second node before getting treatment, number of roots at the first node after receiving treatment, number of roots at second node before getting treatment, and number of roots at the second node after planting.
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