Trend Analysis of Rainfall Data in Magelang District Using Mann-Kendall Test and Modification Mann-Kendall Variation
The objective of the research was to analyzed rainfall trends from 6 rainfall stations Kajoran, Mendut, Muntilan, Ngablak, Salaman and Tempuran rainfall station in different time scales (monthly, 3-months periodicityand annual). Identification homogenity of the rainfall data period 1986-2016 for Magelang district using Rescaled Adjusted Partial Sums (RAPS) methode. The three non-parametric tests, Mann-Kendall (MK), modified Mann-Kendall (MMK), trend free prewhitening Mann-Kendall (TFPW-MK) and Sen’s slope wereemployed to assess significance of trends and detecting magnitude of trends.The results shows that monthly rainfall have no significant trend using MK, MMK, and TFPW-MK test at 0.05 level significance. Rainfall 3-month based January-February-March (JFM) period Kajoran station have negative significant trend with magnitude 19.4 mm/3-month. Mendut station have positive trend for April-May-June (AMJ) period with magnitude 6.75 mm/3-month. No significant trends at 0.05 level significance using MK trend test were detected in annual rainfall for 6 rainfall stations.
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