Table of Contents
Analysis of Farmers’ Perceptions and The Prospect of Wanamina Ponds Develoment (Silvofishery) in Muara Badak District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency
Abdul Azis Fahrony, Bambang I Gunawan, Elly Purnama Sari
Effect of Yara Mila Pearl NPK Fertilizer and Nasa Liquid Organic Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Abdul Muthalib, Noor Jannah
Physical And Physiological Quality Of Sweet Corn Seeds Of Unpad Hybrid Parental line seed after 2 and 4 Month Storage
Annisa Nur Rahmani, Anne Nuraini, Sumadi, Dedi Ruswandi, Agus Wahyudin
The response of plants and crops of white Pumpkins (Legeneria leucantha) Manisa Variety, un the provision cow manure and NPK Pearls fertilizer
Dwita Wiwinata, Akas Pinaringan Sujalu
Utilization of Household Wasteas Liquid Organic Fertilizer on Shallot (Allium cepavar. ascalonicum (L.) Back).
Eliyani ., Susylowati, Alvera Prihatini Dewi Nazari
The study of business development rubber plant people in the village Long Hubung districts Long Hubung district Mahakam Ulu
Floryanus Kerung, Zuhdi Yahya, Zikri Azham
Indah Wulandari, Harlinda Kuspradini, Irawan Wijaya
Mangrove Ecotourism Management and Development Strategy in Tanjung Limau Village, Muara Badak District
Ismail Ismail, Helminuddin ., Abdunnur .
Trend Analysis of Rainfall Data in Magelang District Using Mann-Kendall Test and Modification Mann-Kendall Variation
Joko Suryanto, Joko Krisbiyantoro
Zonation of Development Area of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Sector in West Kutai Regency
Karmini Karmini
Effect of Compost Fertilizer and NPK Rainbow Compound Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L).
Nani Ipentiana, Helda Syahfari
The Effect of Compost and Phonska Fertilizer on the Growth and Yield of Sweet Corn (Zea mays saccharata) Varieties of Bonanza.
Salmah Lafina, Marisi Napitupulu
Sopialena Sopialena
Sri Sarminah, Farha Shera Prititania, Karyati .
Response of Plant Growth and Green Mustard (Brassica juncea L.) Yield Upon the Application of Agrobost Liquid Organic Fertilizer
Sulastri Sulastri, Hery Sutejo, Abdul Fatah
Plant Stand And Stability increment Sengon (Albizia falcataria) in Sub Lempake District of North Samarinda
Taufik Rahman, Jumani Jumani, Heni Emawati
Inventory Distribution and potential of the type Macaranga Spp Forest IUPHHK PT. Ratah Timber in the village Mamahak Teboq District of Long Hubung Mahakam Ulu Regency of East Kalimantan
Yanuardus Edmond Kukumeo, Taufan Tirkaamiana, Legowo Kamarubayana