Anjar Pariwardana Hartono



Covid-19 has had a lot of impact on society, one of which is the reduction in occasional work drops during the Covid-19 period. The Manpower Omnibus Law which many Indonesians reject because of several articles that were not approved by the community, especially workers, were issued during the Covid-19 pandemic which was allegedly benefiting employers. The problem that arises in this matter is to discuss the problems that arise as a result of this Omnibus Law and its application in Indonesia in the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic. The type of research used in this research is a type of normative legal research with a statute approach.

The results of the study explain that the existence of the omnibus law on employment is detrimental to employees in terms of wages, working hours and holidays (leave), status of contract workers, severance pay and the situation during the Covid-19 pandemic is not the right time to implement omnibus. Law and Omnibus Law is a legal concept that focuses on simplifying the number of regulations because of its revising and repeal of many laws as well as regulatory issues are complete problems, not only from too many of them, but also the problem of content that does not match the content material. . The Omnibus Law on Cipta Kerja does not take care of some of the principles in the Regulatory Order. Then, the application of the Manpower Omnibus Law should not only be to support from an economic point of view.


Keywords: Employment, Omnibus Law, Covid-19.

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PSHK, “RUU Cipta Kerja: Awal Langkah Penuh Masalah”, diakses tanggal 11 Mei 2021

PSHK, “RUU Cipta Kerja: Awal Langkah Penuh Masalah”, diakses tanggal 11 Mei 2021


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