If we glance at the Montesteqeuieu Trias Politica theory, the Actestabilishet powers that be in the hands of the legislature, Delivery is based on philosophi that legislature is an institution in which representatives of people of Ocan is a collection of those option that caryy out the mandate of the people who choose it. While executive as the execdutor of what the will of the people who choose it. While executive as the executur of what the the will of the people underthe Law in Indonesia after the constitution amendment reflect Montesquieu’s theory but not entirely in the hands of the legis lature can be said even with the power between theaprliament and president which, according to opinion of the writer is still to be debated again in the future.
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Amin Slamet
Faculty of Law. 17 August 1945 University of Samarinda
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