Haryanto Haryanto


The background of this research is yet to be in the identification of capital sources cooperative employees of PT . Vico Indonesia. In addition the use of working capital that is not in accordance with usability resulting inefficient use of working capital . Given that the successful management of keuanga not only be seen from one of the company 's financial ratios .
Formulation of the problem whether the sources of working capital has been digunakaan in accordance with the needs of the cooperative.

Analytical tool in this study using the balance sheet , SHU calculations , changes in the balance sheet , statement of changes in working capital and sources and uses The reports of working capital . It also uses financial ratios consisting of , current ratio , total asset turnover ratio and return on equity .

From the calculation of the balance of the comparison can be seen that the amount of current assets in 2012 increased by 15.89 % . Total long-term investments also increased by 10.20 % . The increase in long-term investments influenced by the growing cooperative principal employees of PT . Vico Indonesia. Similarly, the number of assets , the increase in assets of 28.72 % . Total assets also increased by 16.57 % and the number of overall liabilities decreased by 6.53 % . Of some value changes , there are 6 items that decreased ; cash 25.27 % , 7.83%, receivables , operating a motorcycle drove decreased by 9.89 % assistance to the public by 66.67 % in the company's debt by 40 Vico , 21 % . It means more cooperative liquit with increased short-term debt repayment capacity .

The results of the calculation of changes in working capital items of current assets decreased by Rp . 399 258 200 , current liabilities decreased to Rp . 272 945 000 . Cooperative employees working capital of PT . Vico Indonesia with Rp . 3890784500 , and the use of capital amounting to Rp . 2.123 billion , in 2009 . It shows the increase in working capital of Rp . 1767784500 .

Capital sources cooperative employees of PT . Vico Indonesia also comes from an endowment given by the company . The funds thus become a source of working capital, which does not give rise to liability for the cooperative .

Thus the hypothesis " alleged use of already efficient cooperative working capital ( right ) with the purpose of cooperative views of the current ratio , total asset turnover ratio and return on equity " is accepted for the use of working capital in accordance with the desired results

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