Saprandi Saprandi


This study aims to determine how the influence of Principal Leadership on Teacher Performance in State Elementary School 001 Siluq Ngurai.


The results of this study indicate that there is a positive relationship between the variables of Leadership and Teacher Performance Variables in Public Elementary School 001 Siluq Ngurai. This can be known from the results of statistical tests where the correlation coefficient r is equal to 0.987 which means there is a very strong relationship between the two variables.


Meanwhile for the t-test (t-test) shows that the empirical t generated is equal to 26.008 results when compared to the table of critical prices for n-2 is 3,610, this means there is a significant effect of the Teacher Leadership and Performance variables Employee. Thus it can be said that the purpose of this study can be achieved, the problem can be solved and the hypotg hesis can be proven.








Keywords: Teacher Leadrship and Performance


Teacher Leadership and Performance

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