Ira Sri Pratiwi


The problem in this study is whether the profitability of PT Mayora Indah Tbk has increased from 2010, 2011 and 2012, while the purpose of this study to determine the profitability of PT Mayora Indah Tbk has increased from 2010, 2011 and 2012.

Basic financial accounting theory used in this study, while the hypothesis profitability PT Mayora Indah Tbk has increased from 2010, 2011 and 2012

Based on the analysis and discussion of the conclusions of this study as follows:

1.   profitability ratio PT Mayora Indah Tbk based Gross profit in 2010 amounted to 23.29% decreased by 32.78% to 17.54% in 2011, and gross profit margin in 2011 was 17.54% increased by 21.42 % to 22.32% in 2012

2    Net profit margin in 2010 of 6.76% decreased by 32.29% to 5.11% in 2011 and net profit margin was 5.11% in 2011 increased by 27.82% to 7.08% in 2012.

3    Return On Investment in 2010 of 9.51% decreased 29.74% to 7.33% in 2011 and return on investment in 2011 amounted to 7.33% increased by 18.28% to 8.97% in 2012

4   Return on equity in 2010 was 90.31%, up from 28.40% to 126.83% in 2011 and return on equity in 2011 was 126.14%, up from 35.05% to 194.22% on year 2012


Ratio Analysis – Profitability


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