Marlina Anitasya Herman, ,LCA Robin Jonathan, Elfreda Aplonia Lau


The purpose of this study was to determine the amount of needs and analyze the need for computer inventory in a year, how many times bookings must be made. Based on the background described above, then that becomes a problem in this study "whether the amount of inventory Computers planned by CV.CAHAYA Resky were optimal.

Data used in the form of data on computer needs and the costs incurred in the ordering and storage during 2009. Data collection techniques by observation, interviews, examination of company documents.

Basic theory used is the operational management and inventory management. Hypothesis testing is done, when the supply of computer disangatta not optimal then the hypothesis is accepted, whereas if the amount of inventory in Sangatta computer that had been planned were optimal then the hypothesis is rejected. Data collection techniques by observation, interviews, examination of company documents.

       komputer inventory analysis results in CV.CAHAYA Resky in Sangatta obtained conclusion is seen that the optimal inventory that occurred as much as 273 units a year by ordering frequency 21 times or 13 units in each booking. Total fees in the year amounted to Rp. 9.1 million. while safety stock (safety stock) by as much as 103 unit.hal analysis tool is different from the activities carried out ordering 22 units once the message with 7 days each message, and safety stock determined as many as 100 units.

The proposed hypothesis which states that the alleged supply of computers that do CV.CAHAYA Resky Sengata proven not optimal and acceptable.


Inventory Control and EOQ

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