BEBY PRASELIANA ALDHINO H Eddy Soegiarto Ida Rahmawati


                     BEBY PRASELIANA ALDHINO, Analysis Funds Management In. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk under the guidance of Prof.Dr.H.Eddy Soegiarto K, SE, MM as Supervisor I and Ida Rahmawati, SE, MM as Supervisor II, Faculty of Economics, University of August 17,  1945, 2014.

Background made of this thesis was to find out the effective management of funds management in 2010-2012 at PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia. The purpose of the study was to determine the condition of the management of the funds in 2010-2012 at PT. Bank Rakyat

Financial management is the art of planning, organizing, organize, mobilize and supervise the resources is a factor of production. These financial statements are statements made by the parties in charge of the company. Balance is a systematic reports about assets, liabilities and capital of a company at a particular time. Income statement is a report that shows the revenues and expenses of a business unit for a certain period. Management of bank funds is a kegiataan planning, implementation, and penegendalian to association funds in the community. The hypothesis of the problems that have been described is the management of the funds have been effective and have Increased in 2010-2012 at PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia.

Reach research emphasis on the financial condition of Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Bank Rakyat Indonesia's financial statements in 2010-2012. Pengumpuan engineering data used was literature research and field research. Financial ratios used are assets to loan ratio, loan to deposit ratio, and banking ratio. If the results of the calculation of the ratio and the effective management of funds has increased then the hypothesis is accepted and vice versa if the ratio of funds management is not effective and does not increase then the hypothesis is rejected.

Research results obtained is a general overview of the Bank Rakyat Indonesia ranging from the history of the bank, its organizational structure, products and services of banks and financial statements of Bank Rakyat Indonesia, which consists of the balance sheet and income statement in 2010-2012.

Analysis tools in the form of financial statements are presented along with the results of the calculation of the balance sheet and income statement. Results of calculation of assets to loan ratio in 2010 amounted to 57.6%, in 2011 57.3%, in 2012 by 60.9%. Results of calculation loan to deposit ratio in 2010 amounted to 62%, in 2011 amounted to 61.5%, and in 2012 amounted to 64.9%. Banking ratio calculation results in 2010 amounted to 68.8%, in 2011 amounted to 69.4%, and in 2012 amounted to 74.2%.

Results of the discussion showed assets to loan ratio decreased by 0.3% in 2011 so the hypothesis is rejected and in 2012 assets to loan ratio increased by 3.6% from the year 2011 so that the hypothesis is accepted. Loan to deposit ratio decreased in 2011 by 0.5%, so the hypothesis is rejected and in 2012 the loan to deposit ratio increased by 3.4% from the year 2011 so that the hypothesis is accepted. Banking ratio increased by 0.6% in 2011, so the hypothesis is accepted and banking ratio in 2012 increased by 4.8%, so the hypothesis is accepted



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