Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran Terhadap Keputusan Menggunakan Jasa Pada Lineza Souvenir di Samarinda

Ahmad Khoerur Rokhim1 Eka Yudhyani 2 Nurfitriani 3


The formulation of the problem in this study is whether the product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence influence the decision of the community in using services on Lineza Souvenir in Samarinda.

The basis of the theory in this study is marketing management, especially in the marketing mix and consumer behavior. Any action or performance that a party may offer to another party is inherently intangible and does not involve ownership of anything.

The results of this study stated that the hypotheses received are variable Price (X2) to decisions in using services (Y), promotion (X4) to decisions in using services (Y), people (X5) to decisions in using the Service (Y) and Process (X6) decision on using the Service (Y), thus the four hypotheses submitted are acceptable and proven to be correct. While the hypotheses rejected include Product (X1) to The Decision in using the Service (Y), Place (X3) to the Decision in using the Service (Y), Physical Evidence (X7) to the Decision in using the Service (Y)


Marketing mix and decisions using services

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