Hendy Wahyu Hidayat Robin Jonathan Adisty Shabrina Nurqamarani


Hendy Wahyu Hidayat, The Effect of Marketing Mix on Purchasing Decision of Vos Notebooks in Gramedia Lembuswana. Under the guidance of Mr. Robin Jonathan as the first supervisor and Mrs. Adisthy Shabrina Nurqamarani as the second supervisor.

This study aims to determine the effect of Marketing Mix which includes Product, Price, Promotion, Place on purchasing Decision of the Vos Notebook’s at Gramedia Lembuswana.

The basic theory used in this research is Marketing Management. This research was conducted for consumers who buy Vos notebook’s at Gramedia Lembuswana. The population in this study is all consumers that buy notebook’s at Gramedia Lembuswana. Samples are 96 respondents from unknown population and sample selection using Incidental Sampling technique. Data collection was collected by distributing questionnaires to consumers that buy Vos notebook’s at Gramedia Lembuswana. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression with test instrument, classical assumption test and hypothesis testing.

The results of the research on the t test shows that the independent variables; product and price have significant effect on purchasing decision of Vos notebook’s at Gramedia Lembuswana, while the variables of promotion and place do not have significant effect towards the purchasing decision of Vos notebook’s at Gramedia Lembuswana. The F test show that Product, Price, Promotion, Place have significant effect on purchasing decision simultaneously of Vos notebooks at Gramedia Lembuswana. The management of Gramedia, should increase product quality and as well as the price offered to remain stable, so that the price offered can always be accepted in the

market and could attract consumers to buy the product


Product, Price, Promotion and Place, Purchasing Decision

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