Andri H Mulyadi H Sunarto


This study aims to determine and analyze the feasibility of a "Speedshop" Workshop business investment which is reviewed based on the Payback Period (PP), Net Present Value (NPV), and Profitibility Index (PI) methods. The analytical tool used in this study is an investment feasibility analysis using Payback Period (PP), Net Present Value (NPV), and Profitibility Index (PI) methods and hypothesis testing is based on the criteria of each method. The analysis shows that the payback period of the "Speedshop" Workshop business is smaller than the investment return target set by Mr. Suhang, so it can be concluded that the investment project is feasible. Based on the results of the analysis that has been done, it can be seen that the Net Present Value is positive so that the investment project is concluded to be feasible. The results of the subsequent analysis showed a Profitability Index greater than 1 (PI> 1), so it can be concluded that the investment project is feasible. The results of this analysis indicate that the investment planned by Mr. Suhang is feasible to be carried out with the assumption that the projected income is in accordance with the predetermined, and operational costs are in accordance with the estimates made. Mr. Suhang projected more revenue from light modification services, because even though light modification services generate smaller revenues compared to projections of income from heavy modifications, it is expected to reach more consumers. This shows that even though the planned business is only based on a hobby background, if it is done well and planned it will produce beneficial results.



Investment, Business Feasibility, Payback Period, Net Present Value, Profitability Index

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