Putri Ayu Kharisma Eddy Soegiarto Umi Kulsum


This study aims to determine and analyze Return On Equity (ROE), Debt To Equity (DER), Price Erning Ratio (PER), Exchange Rate against stock prices in the Property and Real Estate sub-sector in 2017-2019.

The basic thery of this research is that the influence of fundamental factors is very important for investors to know before investing in the company so that they can find out a good company to invest in by looking at the fundamental factors that exist in the company. Fundamental factors are divided into two, namely micro variables are variables from within the company such as company performance while macro variables are variables from outside the company such as social conditions, politics, interest rates, and exchange rates.

The analytical tool used in this study is Multiple Linear Regression. The data used is the financial report data of Property and Real Estate companies in 2017-2019 which are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.

The results of data analysis using a partial test (t test), the Return On Equity (ROE) variable has a significant and positive effect on stock prices as indicated by the t count of 4.707 with a significant value of 0.000 (less than 0.05) so that the first hypothesis is accepted. To Equity (DER) has no significant and negative effect on stock prices as indicated by t count -0.548 and a significant value of 0.585 (greater than 0.05) so that the second hypothesis is rejected. Price Erning Ratio (PER) variable has a significant and positive effect on stock prices. indicated by a t count of 3.414 and a significant value of 0.001 (smaller than 0.05) so that the third hypothesis is accepted. The exchange rate variable has no significant and negative effect on stock prices which is indicated by a t count of 0.153 and a significant value of 0.879 (greater than 0.05) so that the fourth hypothesis is rejected. From the results of the R2 square research, the value of 36.8% of stock price variations can be explained by the four variables, namely Return On Equity (ROE), Debt To Equity (DER), Price Erning Ratio (PER), Exchange Rate, while 63.2% is explained by other variables.


Fundamental Factors, Return On Equity (ROE), Debt To Equity (DER), Price Erni1ng Ratio (PER), Exchange Rate and Stock Price.

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