Peningkatan Kualitas Karyawan Melalui Upaya Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Pada PT. Tekindo Mitra Mandiri Samarinda

Rikky Fedry 1, Mardiana 2, H. Sunarto


This research was conducted to determine the influence of education and training on improving the quality of employees PT. Tekindo Mitra Mandiri Samarinda, both partially and simultaneously.

Analysis conducted using the questionner method, test of the research instrument in the form of validity test and reliability test, classical assumption test of normality test, multicholinerity test, and heteroskedastisity test, double linear regression analysis, and Hypothesis tests include F-test and T-test.

Based on the results of the calculation, obtained the results that the education and training variables have no effect on the improvement of the quality of employees PT. Tekindo Mitra Mandiri Samarinda. While, simultaneously, the education and training variables have significant effect on the improvement of the quality of employees of PT. Tekindo Mitra Mandiri Samarinda.

T-test results showing that partial or individual education and training variables have no significant effect on the employee-quality improvement variables indicating that these two variables cannot stand alone. That is, the company in order to improve the quality of its employees can not only provide education or training course but must accommodate the education and training together so as to increase the potential and Skills that can improve the quality of its employees


Education, Training, Employee Quality Improvement

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