Mitha Adelya1, Mardiana2, Catur Kumala Dewi3


This research is motivated by the pandemic that Indonesia is currently experiencing and causing economic turmoil, one of which also has an impact on the plantation sector so that company management is required to improve the company's financial performance. The formulation of the research problem is 1) Is there an increase in financial performance as measured by the Current Ratio at PT. Astra Argo Lestari Tbk during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. 2) Was there an increase in financial performance as measured by the Quick Ratio at PT. Astra Argo Lestari Tbk during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. 3) Has there been an increase in financial performance as measured by Return On Investment at PT. Astra Argo Lestari Tbk during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. 4) Was there an increase in financial performance as measured by Return On Equity at PT. Astra Argo Lestari Tbk during the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic.

The analytical tool used in this research is the Liquidity Ratio with Current Ratio and Quick Ratio indicators. Profitability Ratio with Return On Assets and Return On Equity indicators. The results of this study indicate: 1) Liquidity Ratio which is measured using the Current Ratio shows the financial performance of PT. Astra Argo Lestari Tbk in 2020 experienced an increase. 2) Liquidity Ratio which is measured using Quick Ratio shows the financial performance of PT. Astra Argo Lestari Tbk in 2020 experienced an increase. 3) Profitability ratio measured using Return On Assets shows the financial performance of PT. Astra Argo Lestari Tbk in 2020 experienced a an increase. 4) Profitability ratio measured using Return On Equity shows the financial performance of PT. Astra Argo Lestari Tbk in 2020 experienced an increase.


Financial Performance, Liquidity Ratio and Profitability Ratio

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