Jeri Pandu Setiawan 1, Eddy Soegiarto 2, Purwanti 3


This study aims to determine and analyze the difference in stock prices of the LQ45 index of the Indonesia Stock Exchange before the Covid 19 pandemic period (17 January – 28 February 2020) and during the Covid 19 pandemic period (2 March – 15 April 2020).

The sampling technique used is purposive sampling, with the following criteria: 1. LQ45 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange before the Covid 19 pandemic period (17 January – 28 February 2020) and during the Covid 19 pandemic period (2 March 2020 – 15 April 2020), 2. The companies used in this study are companies listed on the LQ45 index before the Covid 19 pandemic period (17 January – 28 February 2020) and during the Covid 19 pandemic period (2 March – 15 April 2020). Based on these criteria, a sample of 42 companies was obtained. The analytical tool used is the Paired Sample T Test which is used to test the hypothesis to find out the significant difference in the stock price of the LQ45 index of the Indonesia Stock Exchange before the Covid-19 pandemic for the period (17 January – 28 February 2020) and during the Covid 19 pandemic period (2 March). – April 15, 2020).

Based on the results of the study, it shows that there is a significant difference to the stock price of the LQ45 index of the Indonesia Stock Exchange before the Covid 19 pandemic period (17 January – 28 February 2020) and during the Covid 19 pandemic period (2 March – 15 April 2020


: Stock Price, LQ45 Index, Indonesia Stock Exchange, Covid 19

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