This study aims to determine and analyze: Comparison of the financial performance of PT. Global Mediacom Tbk in terms of liquidity as measured by the Current Ratio in 2017/2016, 2018/2017, 2019/2018. Comparison of the financial performance of PT. Global Mediacom Tbk in terms of liquidity as measured by the Quick Ratio in 2017/2016, 2018/2017, 2019/2018. Comparison of the financial performance of PT. Global Mediacom Tbk in terms of liquidity as measured by the Cash Ratio in 2017/2016, 2018/2017, 2019/2018. Comparison of the financial performance of PT. Global Mediacom Tbk in terms of Profitability as measured by Gross Profit Margin in 2017/2016, 2018/2017, 2019/2018. Comparison of the financial performance of PT. Global Mediacom Tbk in terms of Profitability as measured by Net Profit Margin in 2017/2016, 2018/2017, 2019/2018. Comparison of the financial performance of PT. Global Mediacom Tbk in terms of Profitability as measured by Return on Investment in 2017/2016, 2018/2017, 2019/2018. Comparison of the financial performance of PT. Global Mediacom Tbk in terms of Profitability as measured by Return on Investment in 2017/2016, 2018/2017, 2019/2018.
The results of the research on the financial performance of PT. Global Mediacom Tbk Liquidity Ratio in 2017/2016 increased and 2018/2017, 2019/2018 decreased and Profitability in 2017/2016, 2018/2017, 2019/2018 and 2017/2016 decreased so that the hypothesis is accepted.partiaKeywords
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