Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Faber Castell Di Samarinda

Nurwulan Eddy Soegianto Nurfitriani 3


This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of the marketing mix consisting of product, price, location, promotion on consumer purchasing decisions of Faber Castell on CV Prega Lestari Samarinda, either partially or simultaneously.

The analytical tools used in this study consisted of a research instrument test consisting of a validity test and an instrument reliability test, multiple linear regression analysis, determinant coefficient analysis, t test, and F test.

The results showed that partially, the product has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, and the price has a negative and insignificant effect on purchasing decisions, while location and promotion respectively have a positive and insignificant effect on purchasing decisions (Y) of Faber Castell products at CV. Prega Lestari Samarinda.

This shows that the preferences of consumers who are respondents in this study in choosing Faber Castell products at CV Prega Lestari Samarinda are due to the quality of the product itself, where the Faber Castell brand is widely liked by the public, and is the main choice in the use of stationery products. There is a negative effect of price on purchasing decisions, indicating that there is an inverse relationship in the sense that if there is an increase in price it will affect the decline in consumer purchasing decisions, and vice versa if there is a price reduction it will be followed by an increase in consumer purchasing decisions. A positive but insignificant relationship between location and purchasing decisions indicates the possibility that consumers do have the desire to buy Faber Castell products without considering other products or other stationery distributors. The existence of a positive but insignificant relationship between promotions and purchasing decisions indicates the strength of the Faber Castell brand itself, where even without a massive promotion, consumer preferences and perceptions in choosing stationery are focused on products with the Faber Castell brand


Marketing Mix, Purchase Decision

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