Syarifah Siti Nurhayati Robin Jonathan Murfat Efendi


This study aims to prove: 1. Knowing and analyzing the financial performance of PT Holcim Indonesia (Tbk) in terms of liquidity ratios (Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, Cash Ratio) after the acquisition (2018) increased compared to before the acquisition (2015). 2. To know and analyze the financial performance of PT Holcim Indonesia (Tbk) in terms of the solvency ratio (Debt To Equity Ratio, Debt To Asset Ratio) after the acquisition (2015) decreased compared to before the acquisition (2018). 3. To know and analyze the financial performance of PT Holcim Indonesia (Tbk) in terms of profitability ratios (Return on Assets, Net Profit Margin) after the acquisition (2018) increased compared to before the acquisition (2015).

The analysis tool used by researchers is financial ratios: 1. Current Ratio, 2. Quick Ratio, 3. Cash Ratio, 4. Debt To Equity Ratio, 5. Debt to Asset Ratio, 6. Return On Asset, 7. Net profit Margin . The research method uses liquidity ratios, solvency ratios and profitability ratios. This research was conducted at PT. Holcim Indonesia (Tbk), which is currently acquiring PT. Laferge Cement.

The results of research on the financial performance of PT Holcim Indonesia (Tbk) before and after the acquisition concluded that the calculation using financial ratios resulted in higher pre-acquisition (2015) than after the acquisition (2018) so that the hypothesis was rejected.


Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, Cash Ratio, Debt To Equity Ratio, Debt To Asset Ratio, Return On Asset, Net Profit Margin, Financial Performance, Acquisitions.

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