Ida Eka Puspitasari Imam Nazarudin Latif 2 Murfat Efendi


This study aims to analyze and evaluate the level of effectiveness of human resource audits in increasing effectiveness at PT Federal International Finance Samarinda Branch.

The research method used is descriptive qualitative method, the analytical tool used is the Guttman scale where there are only two yes and no answer intervals, with questions in the form of checklist answers. the instrument used is the audit work program, and to determine the effectiveness of human resources carried out by an audit program where the specified criteria are if the yes answer is greater than the answer no it can be declared effective and if the yes answer is smaller than the answer no it can be declared ineffective.

Based on the results of research that has been carried out using an audit program with nine functions of human resource management, it can be seen that all functions are running effectively where the yes to all the questions in the audit program is greater than the answers that are not in accordance with the objectives and policies in the company.

The implementation of the human resources management function as a whole does not face obstacles because all parties have worked properly in accordance with the functions and policies that have been determined although there are still some weaknesses in several functions such as the human resources planning function which does not involve external environmental conditions, training functions and employee development where After participating in training, employee productivity has not increased, the performance appraisal function does not hold prior training for appraisers, occupational safety and health functions, there is no adequate First Aid (P3K) training and work protection equipment, as well as employee job satisfaction functions where turnover rates employees who are still high and the productivity of individual employees is still low


Management Audit, Human Resources, Effectiveness

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31293/ekm.v11i2.6342


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