Analisis Pendapatan Usaha Home Industri Amplang Apriana Mandiri Di Kecamatan Muara Badak Selama Pandemi Covid-19

Muhammad Rizal 1, Danna Solihin 2, Mita Sonaria 3


Apriana Mandiri amplang home industry is a home industry that produces amplang that has been affected by the covid-19 pandemic

The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the income of the Amplang Apriana Mandiri home industry during the covid-19 pandemic and the feasibility of the Amplang Apriana Mandiri home industry business.

The theoretical basis of this research consists of financial management, income, revenue, and business feasibility. The data collection technique was carried out by collecting data directly from the research location through interviews with the owner of the Amplang home industry, Apriana Mandiri. The research analysis tool uses income analysis by calculating total costs, revenue and income as well as business feasibility analysis.

The results of this study are 1.) Amplang Apriana Mandiri's home industry before the covid-19 pandemic produced 180 packs/day or a total of 32.400 packs, while during the covid-19 pandemic Apriana Mandiri's Amplang home industry reduced its production to 120 packs/day or the total 21.600 packs due to a decrease in income of Rp.106.464.000 during the covid-19 pandemic. 2.) Apriana Mandiri's Amplang home industry is still feasible to develop because during the covid-19 pandemic, Apriana Mandiri's Amplang still benefits, this is due to the favorable selling price with certain production costs and the maximum production amount during the covid-19 pandemic.


: Income Analysis, Revenue, Business Feasibility Analysis

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