This study aims to determine and analyze the financial performance of PT. Weha Transport Indonesia Tbk before and during the covid 19 pandemic based on Liquidity ratio (Current Ratio and Quick ratio), Solvency ratio (Debt to Assets Ratio and Debt to Equity Ratio) and profitability (Return on Assets and Return on Equity), as well as comparing financial performance achievements during the pandemic with financial performance before the pandemic.
The theoretical basis used is Financial Management, especially regarding financial statements, financial performance, liquidity, solvency, and profitability. The analytical tool used is the Liquidity Ratio as measured by the Quick ratio and Cash Ratio, the Solvency Ratio as measured by the Debt to Assets Ratio and Debt to Equity Ratio, and the Profitability Ratio as measured by Return on Assets and Return on Equity.
The results showed that the financial performance: 1). Financial performance of PT. Weha Transport Indonesia Tbk during the covid 19 pandemic decreased based on the Liquidity Ratio measured by the Current Ratio and Quick Ratio. 2). Financial performance of PT. Weha Transport Indonesia Tbk during the covid 19 pandemic decreased based on the solvency ratio measured by the Debt to Asset Ratio and Debt to Equity Ratio. 3). Financial performance of PT. Weha Transport Indonesia Tbk during the covid 19 pandemic experienced a decline based on the profitability ratio measured by Return On Assets and Return on Equity
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31293/jma.v11i3.6559
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