Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Dan Nilai Pelanggan Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Gojek Di Kota Samarinda

Sofyannur Rahman 1, H. Eddy Soegiarto K 2, Heriyanto3


The Effect of Service Quality and Customer Value on Gojek Consumer Satisfaction in Samarinda City. Under the guidance of Eddy Soegiarto K and Heriyanto.

This study aims to examine the effect of service quality and customer value on Gojek's customer satisfaction in Samarinda Kota District. With a research sample of 100 respondents consisting of consumers who use the services of gojek drivers, especially in Samarinda Kota District. This study uses analysis tools with multiple linear regression, correlation and determination tests and hypothesis testing, namely t test and model feasibility test (F).

The results showed that based on the F test or Simultaneously, the service quality variables consisting of reliability, responsiveness, empathy, and physical evidence, as well as customer value all had a significant effect on customer satisfaction for gojek drivers. Based on the t test or partial reliability, responsiveness, physical evidence and customer value, each has a significant effect on customer satisfaction. The empathy variable partially has no effect on consumer satisfaction of gojek drivers in Samarinda City


Reliability, Responsiveness, Empathy, Physical evidence, customer value, customer satisfaction

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