Pengaruh Gaji dan Insentif Terhadap Pegawai Kantor Kelurahan Di Kecamatan Samarinda Utara

Ferry Nawaty Titin Ruliana E Y Suharyono


This study aims to determine whether the salary and incentives affect village employees in North Samarinda District. The independent variables in this study are salary and incentives while the dependent variable is employee performance. This research was conducted on the employees of the sub-district office in North Samarinda District which consisted of a total sample of 79 respondents.

This type of research is quantitative research. The data collection method used a questionnaire. Data analysis using multiple linear regression. The results showed that partially the salary had a significant effect on employee performance
and partially incentives had no significant effect on employee performance.

The conclusion of this study states that the three hypotheses that have been proposed are proven or all three hypotheses are accepted. This means that salaries and incentives have a significant positive effect on the performance of sub-district employees in North Samarinda District


Salary, Incentive, Employee Performance

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