Muhammad Faizal Ismail


Activities in a good company that produces goods or services, one of the targets to be achieved is to obtain the maximum profit in accordance with the size or scale capabilities that exist in the company. Thereby achieving the maximum profit be one measure of the success profitability of the company.

Formulation of the problem: "What is the performance of profitability in terms of return on investment, net profit margin and total asset turnover CV. Semoga Jaya in 2011 increased compared to 2010, 2009 and 2008? ".

The formula - a formula to support the research, namely:

To find a way ROI multiplied by Total Assets Turnover Net Profit Margin. To search for Total Assets Turnover by way of sales divided by total assets multiplied by the time. And to look for Net Profit Margin by way of net income divided by sales and multiplied by one hundred percent.


From the calculation and analysis, it is known that the return on investment (ROI) was rejected because it decreased by 2%. Net Profit Margin is accepted because of an increase of 2%. And the Total Asset Turnover declined due to decreased by 2.10 times.

Judging from the analysis concluded that the company's ability to use the assets of the company overall has increased and decreased, or in other words the total assets of the company management is not efficient, it is this which resulted in a drop in performance return on investment (ROI), Net Profit Margin and Total Asset Turnover CV. Semoga Jaya.

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