Kinerja Keuangan PT. Garuda Indonesia Tbk Selama Pandemi Covid 19

Dwiki Darmawan1 Mardiana2 , Camelia Verahastuti


Corona Virus Disease or COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted economic, social and political activities in almost the entire world. Indonesia is one of the countries affected by COVID-19 which has spread since early March 2020. This virus outbreak continues to increase until the government follows the rules made by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the "Social Distancing" program or social restrictions. One of the companies experiencing a slowdown in economic activity is PT. Garuda Indonesia Tbk. PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk is an Indonesia-based company primarily engaged in the aviation business.

       The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the financial performance of PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk during the covid 19 pandemic.

        Data collection techniques using literature (Library Research) and quantitative methods. Analysis of the data used in this study is the ratio of profitability. The analytical tools used are Gross Profit Margin, Net Profit Margin, Return On Assets, Return On Equity.

       The results of research on the financial performance of PT. Garuda Indonesia in terms of profitability ratio Gross Profit Margin has decreased, due to declining ticket sales resulting in the company being less able to earn a profit. Profitability ratio Net Profit Margin has decreased, due to the decline in ticket sales resulting in the company being less able to earn a profit. The profitability ratio of Return On Assets has decreased, the decline is due to the company's inability to generate net income by using total assets. The Return On Equity profitability ratio has decreased, the decline was due to companies being less able to manage available capital effectively and efficiently to generate income during the covid 19 pandemic


Financial Performance, Gross Profit Margin, Net Profit Margin, Return On Assets, Return On Equity

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