Lidya Lidwina Lenik Eka Yudhyani2 Umi Kulsum3


This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of the marketing mix consisting of price and product quality on the repurchase intention of Scarlett Whitening Body Lotion products in the city of Samarinda, either partially or simultaneously.


The theory used in this research is marketing management, marketing concept, consumer behavior, factors that influence consumer behavior, price, product quality, and repurchase intention. The analytical tool used in this study consisted of a research instrument test consisting of a validity test and instrument reliability test, multiple linear regression analysis, coefficient of determination analysis, t test, and F test.


The results showed that partially, product quality had a positive and significant effect on repurchase intention, while price did not have a significant effect on repurchase intention (Y) for Scarlett Whitening Body Lotion products in the city of Samarinda. Simultaneously, the marketing mix consisting of price and product quality has a significant effect on repurchasing interest in Scarlett Whitening Body Lotion products. This shows that the preferences of consumers who are respondents in this study in purchasing Scarlett Whitening Body Lotion products in the city of Samarinda are due to the quality of the product itself, where Scarlett Whitening Body Lotion is an indication that the performance quality of the Scarlett Whitening Body Lotion product itself has a scent. fragrant, soft and durable when consumers use it, thus reflecting good quality in accordance with consumer expectations.The price factor is not the main reason for consumers to make repeat purchases, indicating the possibility that consumers do have a transactional interest in repurchasing the Scarlett Whitening Body Lotion product or more because of the perception of the quality of the product.


Price, Product Quality, Repurchase Interest

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