Pengaruh Brand Awareness, Brand Image Dan Perceived Quality Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Air Mineral Merek Aqua (Studi Kasus di Kota Samarinda Periode 2022)

Muhammad Naufal Tsaqif Arrazzaq Danna Solihin 2, Nufitriani3


This study aims to determine, analyze, and identify the influence of Brand Awareness, Brand Image, and Perceived Quality together on purchasing decisions for branded aqua mineral water, either partially or simultaneously.

The analytical tools used in this study were validity test, reliability test, normality test, multicollinearity test, autocorrelation test, heteroscedasticity test, multiple linear regression analysis, coefficient of determination test (R2), t test, and F test.

The results showed that Brand Awareness had a positive and insignificant effect on the Purchase Decision of Aqua brand mineral water, while Brand Image and Perceived Quality partially had a positive and significant effect on Purchase Decision of Aqua brand mineral water. Brand Awareness, Brand Image, and Perceived Quality jointly influence the Purchase Decision of Aqua brand mineral water.

Aqua is the leading mineral water brand in Indonesia, so that sometimes some people who want to buy mineral water will tell the seller that they want to buy aqua. Consumers' brand awareness of aqua mineral water, although currently there are so many other mineral water producers with relatively lower prices, so consumers tend to shift to other brands which they feel can be obtained by spending a smaller amount of money than buying the aqua brand. Brand image and positive quality perception as an added value that influences consumers in buying or not a product


Brand Awareness, Brand Image, Perceived Quality, Purchase Decision

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