Dea Firta Ananda1 Mardiana2 , Camelia Verahastuti3


Dea Firta Ananda 2023. Faculty of Economics and Business, University August 17 1945 Samarinda. Fiancial Performance Evaluation of PT SLJ Global Tbk East Kalimantan, under the guidance of Mrs. Mardiana as Supervisor I and Mrs. Camelia Verahastuti as Supervisor II.

This study aims to determine the increase in the financial performance of PT SLJ Global Tbk whichis reviewed uses the Liquidity Ratio measured by the Current Ratio and Cash Ratio, the Profitability Ratio measured from Return On Assets and Return On Investment from 2019 to 2021.

This study uses financial industry standars as a reference to make it easier to determine whether or not the numbers achieved by the company are good. As well as facilitating the preparation of financial reports and facilitating auditors or investors in understanding or comparing the financial statements of different entities.

Research Result Show : 1) Financial Performance of PT SLJ Global Tbk experienced an decrease in 2019-2021 based on the Liquidity Ratio in the Current Ratio variable. 2)  Financial Performance of PT SLJ Global Tbk experienced an decrease in 2019-2021 based on the Liquidity Ratio in the Cash Ratio variable. 3) Financial Performance of PT SLJ Global Tbk experienced an decrease in 2019-2021 based on the Profitability Ratio in the Return On Assets (ROI) variable. 4) Financial Performance of PT SLJ Global Tbk experienced sn decrease in 2019-2021 based on the Profitability Ratio in the Return On Investment (ROI) variable


Financial Performance, Financial Industry Standars, Liquidity, Profitability

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31293/jma.v12i3.7206


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