Pengaruh Kepemimpinan dan Motivasi Terhadap Disiplin Kerja Karyawan pada Sekolah Dasar X di Samarinda

Putri Syaleyta Sabrina Rachman Rina Masithoh Sunarto


The aim of study is to determine whether: 1). Leadership affects employee work discipline of Sekolah Dasar X in Samarinda. 2). Motivation affects employee work discipline of Sekolah Dasar X in Samarinda.

The analytical tool used in this research is multiple linear regression with the indicator X1 = Leadership, and X2 = Motivation.

The grand theories used is Human Resource Management, especially about leadership, motivation, and work discipline.

The population in this study were employees of Sekolah Dasar X Samarinda, totaling 15 respondents. The sampling technique used in this study is saturation sampling, which take all of the population as the sample. In collecting data, the researcher distributed questionnaires to the employees through the Google Form.

The result of this research shows that 1) the leadership affect the employees work discipline significantly. 2) the motivation affect the employees work discipline significantly. 


Leadership, Motivation, Work Discipline

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Jakarta: Prenadamedia Group



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