Widhi Candrayani1 Heriyanto2 Catur Kumala Dewi


Widhi Candrayani, 2021: The Influence of promotion and location on  Purchasing Decisions at “Makanenak” restaurant Samarinda. Under the guidance of Mr. Heriyanto as a 1st mentor and Mrs.Catur Kumala Dewi as the 2nd Mentor.

      The purpose of this study is: 1.) to find out the effect of the Promotion on purchasing decisions at “Makanenak” restaurant Samarinda. 2.) To find out the effect of  Location on purchasing decisions at “Makanenak” restaurant Samarinda. 3.) To find out the effect of Promotion and Location  together with the purchasing decision at “Makanenak” restaurant Samarinda.

This research was conducted at “MakanEnak” restaurant Samarinda on Jl. Siti Aisyah Samarinda. Samples taken as many as 100 respondents with the incidental sampling technique. Data collection by distributing questionnaires using a Likert scale to measure each indicator.

The analytical tool in this study uses multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS v16 program tools. Research Instrument Test which includes: Validity Test and Reliability Test. Classical Assumption Test which includes: Validity Test, Linearity Test, Multicollinearity Test, Heteroscedasticity Test, Autocorrelation Test, Determination Coefficient (R2). As well as testing the hypothesis using the T Test (Partial) and F Test (Simultaneous).

The results showed that 1) Promotion Variables significantly influence Purchasing Decision at “Makanenak” restaurant Samarinda, 2) LocationVariable does’nt significantly influence Purchasing Decision at “Makanenak” restaurant Samarinda , 3) Promotion and Location together have a significant effect on purchasing decisions “Makanenak” restaurant Samarinda.


Promotion,, location, Purchasa Decision,

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