Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Harga Dan Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Mobil Mitsubishi Xpander Pada PT. Mahakam Berlian Samjaya Kota Tenggarong

Eka Ayu Natalia1 Robin Jonathan Nufitriani3


This study aims to determine the variables that influence purchasing decisions consisting of product quality, price, and promotion of Mitsubishi Xpander cars at PT. Xpander. Mahakam Berlian Samjaya Tenggarong City.

The research method   used in this study is a quantitative research method.  The population in this study was consumers at PT. Mahakam Berlian Samjaya Tenggarong city. The data collection technique is with a questionnaire. The  sampling technique used in  this study was non-probability  sampling  using 100 respondents who were domiciled in Tenggarong city. The analytical tools used are multiple linear regression analysis, validity and reliability tests, classical  assumption tests  , t tests and tests F. Testing perfomed using the  help of SPSS application version 2 4.0 for windows.

The results showed that the results of the t test on product quality and promotion variables had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Meanwhile,  price variables have a positive but not significant effect  on purchasing decisions. The most dominant variable influencing purchasing decisions in this study was promotion.  Based on the results of the F test, it shows that all independent  variables simultaneously have a significant effect on purchasing decisions.


Product Quality, Price, Promotion, Purchasing Decision

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