Ahmad Sofian Nurfitriani Zilfana



This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of brand association strength, brand association excellence, brand association uniqueness and price on the purchase decision of Adidas shoes in Samarinda. The theoretical basis used in this study includes Brand Image and price on purchasing decisions.

This study was conducted on Samarinda consumers who used Adidas shoes, the population of this study used an unknown population category and a sample of 80 respondents was taken by the Non method Probability Sampling with sampling techniques using purposive sampling. Data collection is done by distributing questionnaires from google form using linkert scale to measure each indicator. The analysis tool used in this study is multiple linear regression using the SPSS statistical program version 25.

The results of this study show that 1). The strength of the brand association has a non-positive and significant influence on the purchase decision of Adidas shoes in Samarinda, meaning that the strength of the brand association does not have much influence on the purchase decision of Adidas shoes in Samarinda 2). The excellence of the brand association has a positive and significant influence on the purchase decision of Adidas shoes in Samarinda. This means that the better the excellence of the brand association given, the stronger it is for consumers to buy Adidas shoe products in Samarinda. 3). The uniqueness of the brand association has a positive and significant influence on the purchase decision of Adidas shoes in Samarinda. This means that the better the uniqueness of the brand association given, the stronger it is for consumers to buy Adidas shoe products in Samarinda. 4) Price has a positive and significant influence on the purchase decision of Adidas shoes in Samarinda. This means that the better the price given, the stronger it is for consumers to buy Adidas shoe products in Samarinda. 5) The strength of brand association, Excellence of brand association, Uniqueness of brand association and price together have a positive and significant influence on the purchase decision of Adidas shoes in Samarinda. This means that the strength of brand association, the excellence of brand association, the uniqueness of brand association and price together increase the influence of purchasing decisions on Adidas shoes in Samarinda.


Brand Image, Price, Purchase Decision

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