Muhammad Rifki Ismail Eka Yudhyani2 Purwanti3


The objectives of this research are: 1) To determine and analyze the influence of products on product purchasing decisions at MJ Mart Muara Wahau (KUTIM). 2) To find out and analyze the influence of price on product purchasing decisions at MJ Mart Muara Wahau (KUTIM). 3) To find out and analyze the influence of promotions on product purchasing decisions at MJ Mart Muara Wahau (KUTIM). 4) To find out and analyze the influence of place on product purchasing decisions at MJ Mart Muara Wahau (KUTIM). 5) To find out and analyze the influence of product, price, promotion and place together on product purchasing decisions at MJ Mart Muara Wahau (KUTIM).

This research was conducted only on consumers of MJ Mart Muara Wahau (KUTIM). The sample taken was 96 respondents using the purposive sampling method. Data collection techniques use field research and library research. Data collection by distributing questionnaires with a Likert scale to measure each indicator. The analytical tool in this research uses multiple linear regression analysis.

The research results show that 1) Product variables have a significant effect on purchasing decisions. 2) The price variable has a significant effect on purchasing decisions. 3) Promotion variables have a significant effect on purchasing decisions. 4) Place variables have a significant effect on purchasing decisions. 5) Product, price, promotion and place variables together have a significant influence on purchasing decisions. 


Product, Price, Promotion, Place, Purchase Decisionc c c c v v fvfvc c

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