Yundoto Istianto Nurfitriani EY. Suharyono


The aim of the research is to determine and analyze the influence of brand image on consumer purchasing decisions for GS batteries at PT.  Graha Arta Kaltim Sentosa

The population in this research are consumers from the Influence of Brand Image on Consumer Purchasing Decisions of GS Battery at PT.  Graha Arta Kaltim Sentosa.  From the results of the pre-survey conducted by researchers, it is known that the number of regular customers is the influence of brand image on consumer purchasing decisions for GS batteries at PT.  Graha Arta Kaltim Sentosa Samarinda is unknown.  In this study, the number of independent variables was 3, so the research sample was consumers who shopped at the Influence of Brand Image on Consumer Purchasing Decisions of GS Battery at PT.  Graha Arta Kaltim Sentosa Samarinda numbered 100 people with more than one shop.

Based on the research results, it is known that product excellence has a significant and positive effect on consumer purchasing decisions at PT.  Graha Arta Kaltim Sentosa in Samarinda (significant value 0.001 < a = 0.05 and tcount(3.511)> ttable (2.625) at a=0.05).  Based on the research results, it is known that brand strength has a significant and positive effect on consumer purchasing decisions at PT.  Graha Arta Kaltim Sentosa in Samarinda (significant value 0.000 < a = 0.05 and tcount(6,490)> ttable (2,625) at a=0.05).  Based on the research results, it is known that brand uniqueness has a significant and positive effect on consumer purchasing decisions at PT.  Graha Arta Kaltim Sentosa in Samarinda (significant value 0.011 < a = 0.05 and tcount(2.590) > ttable (2.625) at a=0.05). Based on the research results, it is known that Product Excellence, Brand Strength and Brand Uniqueness influence simultaneously  or together on consumer purchasing decisions of PT.  Graha Arta Kaltim Sentosa in Samarinda.


Product Excellence, Brand Strength, Brand Uniqueness, Purchase Decision.

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