Rahmat Rizki1 Heriyanto2 Zilfana


Rahmat Rizki. Analysis of Financial Administration and Budgetary Management of Regional Apparatus Work Units, Samarinda Ulu District. Under the guidance of Mr. Heriyanto as supervisor I and Mrs. Zilfana as supervisor II.

This study aims to determine and analyze the Management of Financial and Budgetary Administration at the Regional Apparatus Work Unit of the Samarinda Ulu District Office based on the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 77 of 2020 concerning Technical Guidelines for Regional Financial Management.

The research method in this study is to analyze the Financial and Budgetary Administration Management at the Regional Office of Samarinda Ulu District Office in 2021 by using an analytical tool, namely the comparative method, so that the Financial and Budget Administration Management of the Samarinda Ulu District Office is compared with the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 77 Year 2020 concerning Technical Guidelines for Regional Financial Management.

The results of the study using the champion method calculation formula on the Financial Administration and Budgetary Management of the Regional Apparatus Work Unit of the Samarinda Ulu District Office in 2021, it can be concluded that the implementation of the Financial Administration and Budgetary Management of the Regional Apparatus Work Unit is in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 77 of 2020 by 100% and hypothesis testing can be concluded that the hypothesis is rejected.

Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the Samarinda Ulu District Office has covered in accordance with the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 77 of 2020. It is better for the District Office to be able to improve and maintain appropriate Financial and Budget Administration Management and is expected to continue to follow the applicable regulations


Financial Management, Financial Administrasion, Financial Reports

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