Sisilia Toding1 , Sayid Irwan2 Heriyanto,3


       This study aims to determine and analyze the influence  of marketing mix consisting of products, prices, locations and promotions on clothing purchasing decisions at Lovelly Outfit Samarinda clothes shop. The theoretical basis used in this study includes marketing mix on purchasing decisions.

      This study was conducted on clothing buyers at the Lovelly Outfit Samarinda clothes shop, the population of this study used an unknown population category and samples were taken as many as 97 respondents with the Accidental Sampling sampling method. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires from googleform to buyers at the Lovelly Outfit Samarinda clothes shop.  The analysis tool used in this study is multiple linear regression using the statistical program SPSS version 25.

      The results of this study show that: 1) Products have a positive and significant effect on clothing purchasing decisions at Lovelly Outfit Samarinda clothes shop. 2) Price has a positive and significant effect on clothing purchasing decisions at Lovelly Outfit Samarinda clothes shop. 3) Location has a positive and significant influence on clothing purchasing decisions at Lovelly Outfit Samarinda clothes shop. 4) Promotion has a positive and significant effect on clothing purchasing decisions at Lovelly Outfit Samarinda clothes shop. 5) Marketing mix consisting of products, prices, locations and promotions have a positive and significant effect together on clothing purchasing decisions at Lovelly Outfit Samarinda clothes shop.


Marketing Mix, Purchase Decision

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