Kania Fadilla 1 Nurfitriani Zilfana


This study consists of independent variables, namely work discipline and occupational health safety, the dependent variable is employee performance. As for the background of this study, researchers found the phenomenon of less than optimal employee performance which is thought to be due to work discipline and occupational health safety which is still said to be quite low. Work discipline is an attitude of obedience to the rules and norms that apply in a company in order to increase employee constancy in achieving company or organizational goals. Occupational Health Safety is an effort to prevent the possibility of accidents and occupational diseases in the workplace. Performance comes from the notion of performance, namely as a result of work or work performance. Performance is about doing work and the results achieved from that work. This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of work discipline and occupational health safety on employee performance at PT Geoservices Samarinda.

This research was conducted only on employees at PT Geoservices Samarinda with a population of 104 employees and the sample taken was 82 respondents. Sampling was carried out using probability sampling techniques. Data collection techniques using google forms with Likert scale techniques to measure each indicator. The analysis used in this research is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis using SPSS version 27.

The results showed that 1) Work discipline variables have a significant effect on employee performance. 2) Occupational safety and health variables have an insignificant effect on employee performance. 3) Work discipline and occupational health safety variables together have a significant effect on employee performance. Suggestions from the results of this study are expected to improve work discipline and occupational health safety in order to improve employee performance so that employees can improve their performance, this is expected to have an impact on improving employee performance.


Work Discipline, Occupational Health Safety (K3), Employee Performance

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