Dewi Novitasari 1 Mardiana2 , Danna Solihin3


This study aims determine the health of KSPP Quantum Mandiri 2017-2019 based on the Deputy Regulation for the Supervision of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs Number 07/Per/Dep.6/IV/2016 

            The subject of this research is Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Pembiayaan Syariah Quantum Mandiri and the object of this research is the health lavel. Data collection in this research using interview and documentation methods. Data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive evaluative analysis. 

The results of this study indicate that overall health level of Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Pembiayaan Syariah Quantum Mandiri 2017-2019 is the category of in special supervision to get the average score of 50,80. The capital aspect get category healthy, the productive asset quality get category under supervision, the management aspect get category health, the efficiency aspect get category health, the liquidity aspect get category under supervision, the independence and growth cooperative aspect get category quite healthy, and sharia compliance aspect get category health.


Health Level, Loans Cooperatives and Sharia Financing, Perdep KUKM Number: 07/Per/Dep.6/IV/2016

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