The objectives of this research are: 1) To determine and analyze the influence of cultural factors on purchasing decisions starbucks coffee Of Mall SCP. 2) To find out and analyze the influence of social factors on purchasing decisions starbucks coffee Of Mall SCP. 3) To find out and analyze the influence of personal factors on purchasing decisions starbucks coffee Of Mall SCP. 4) To determine and analyze the influence of psychological factors on purchasing decisions starbucks coffee Of Mall SCP. 5) To find out and analyze the influence of cultural, social, personal and psychological factors together on purchasing decisions starbucks coffee Of Mall SCP.
This research was conducted only on consumers starbucks coffee mall SCP. The sample taken was 96 respondents using the purposive sampling method. Data collection techniques use field research and library research.
Data collection by distributing questionnaires with a Likert scale to measure each indicator. The analytical tool in this research uses multiple linear regression analysis.
The research results show that 1) Cultural factor variables have a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions. 2) Social variables have a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions. 3) Personal factor variables have a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions. 4) Psychological factor variables have a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions. 5) The variables cultural factors, social factors, personal factors and psychological factors together have a significant positive effect on purchasing decisionsKeywords
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