This research aims to determine the influence of product,
price, place and promotion on purchasing decisions for
Nevada clothing brands at Matahari Mall Lembuswana, both
partially and simultaneously.
The analytical tools used in this research are validity test,
reliability test, normality test, autocorrelation test,
multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, multiple linear
regression analysis, coefficient of determination test (R2), t
test, and F test.
The research results show that partially product, price and
place have a significant influence on purchasing decisions for
Nevada clothing brands at Matahari Mall Lembuswana, while
promotions do not have a significant influence on purchasing
decisions for Nevada clothing brands at Matahari Mall
Lembuswana. Simultaneously, product, price, place and
promotion have a significant influence on purchasing
decisions for Nevada clothing brands at Matahari Mall
at Matahari Mall Lembuswana Samarinda is due to the quality
and price of the Nevada brand products, where the Nevada
clothing brand is widely known to the public, and is one of the
choices in using clothing products, as well as the strategic
location making it easier for the public to reach location, so
this becomes a support for Matahari Mall Lembuswana
Samarinda in selling Nevada clothing brands. Promotions do
not have a significant effect on purchasing decisions for
Nevada clothing brands at Matahari Mall Lembuswana
Samarinda, which indicates the strength of Nevada clothing
brands themselves, where even without massive promotions,
consumer preferences and perceptions in choosing clothing
are focused on Nevada clothing brand products. Apart from
that, every promotional moment carried out by Matahari Mall
Lembuswana Samarinda is not only carried out for Nevada
brand products but also for products from other brands, so
that consumers are faced with similar promotions on different
product brands at the same time.
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