The purpose of this study is to analyze and determine the level of contribution and effectiveness of PKB and BBNKB UPTD PPRD Bapenda East Kalimantan Province, especially the Kutai Kartanegara Region in 2016-2020 on PAD Kaltim.
The analytical tool used in this research is the contribution ratio and the effectiveness ratio. The results of this study show that the contribution of PKB and BBNKB in 2016 - 2020 has a decreasing value, on the contrary the effectiveness of PKB and BBNKB has a very effective value which tends to increase in the collection of PKB and BBNKB. Although there are still many obstacles faced, namely the lack of public awareness to pay taxes on time which results in many taxpayers being in arrears.
The results in this study indicate that the level of contribution of BBNKB and PKB in increasing local revenue from 2016-2020 is very less due to the contribution ratio of BBNKB 2.01% and PKB 2.16%. And the level of effectiveness of BBNKB and PKB in 2016-2020 is very Effective, it is shown that from the average the effectiveness ratio of BBNKB is 112.66% and PKB is 107.87%Keywords
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31293/jma.v13i3.8206
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