Pengaruh Penerapan Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) Pada Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

Annisa Rochmawati1 Imam Nazarudin Latif2 Rina Masithoh Haryadi3


The ESOP phenomenon in Indonesia is still new and still needs proof. The main purpose of implementing ESOPs is to align the interests of employees with the interests of shareholders, and encourage employees to work more efficiently and improve overall company performance. ESOPs can also increase profit margins as employees become more engaged and productive, ultimately providing profits for the company. The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the effect of the implementation of the Employee Stock Option Plan on the company's financial performance on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. An Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) is a program that entitles employees to purchase shares of a company at a predetermined price, within a specified period of time. The variables used in this study are ESOP (X) and Financial Performance (Y). This study used a purposive sampling method that used specified criteria and obtained 5 Company samples, the analytical tool used in this study was a simple linear regression analysis. The results showed that ESOP has a positive effect on the company's financial performance, which means that the more the value of the ESOP, the more the value of the company's financial performance increases. It is expected that the company can maintain the implementation of ESOPs which is proven that ESOPs are able to motivate employees in improving the quality of the company's financial performance.


Employee Stock Option Plan, Financial Perfomance

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